At the summit of the hill are botanical treasures such as the Jewel Orchid, Penang Slipper Orchid, Borneo Kauri, White-margin Pitcher Plant, Voodoo Lily, and Penang Hill Ginger. Each of these iconic plants contributes to the unique tapestry of biodiversity that characterizes the Penang Hill Biosphere Reserve.
Equally remarkable is the fauna residing on the hill, showcasing a spectrum of rare and fascinating species. Encounter the elusive Malaysian Trapdoor Spider, the captivating Penang Hill Vampire Crab, the well-camouflaged Penang Banded Gecko, and the acrobatic Red Giant Flying Squirrel. Delve into the intriguing world of the Malaysian Blue Coral Snake and the distinctive Penang Stream Toad. These creatures, among others, play vital roles in the delicate balance of the biosphere, adding to the allure of Penang Hill as a haven for biodiversity enthusiasts and nature admirers alike.
Unique Plants of Penang Hill

Jewel Orchid (Anoectochilus geniculatus)
Commonly known as the Jewel Orchid, this fascinating orchid species is prized for its eye-catching leaves, which have a dark green base covered in a network of fine copper-red veins.
Penang Slipper Orchid (Paphiopedilum barbatum)
This captivating orchid is exceedingly rare in the wild, as a result of decades of overcollection. This captivating orchid was once common on PHBR.

Borneo Kauri (Agathis borneensis)
The fragrant resin (or damar) of this highland timber species was traditionally used for lighting fires, as waterproofing for boats, and as medicine.
White-margin Pitcher Plant (Nepenthes albomarginata)
This carnivorous plant uses its trichomes or “hair” to lure termites into the pitchers. It makes a meal of them by digesting them with special plant enzymes.

Voodoo Lily (Amorphophallus sp.)
This unusual ‘corpse’ flower emits an unpleasant smell, ideal for attracting pollinators.
Penang Hill Ginger (Geostachys penangensis)
This species of ginger can only be found in Penang, above certain elevation on Penang Hill. Individual flowers are arranged on one side and are pale yellow with transparent fine lines.

Featured Animals of the Biosphere Reserve

Malaysian Trapdoor Spider (Liphistius desultor)
This spider crafts a trapdoor out of silk and soil and places it on top of its burrow. Then, it waits. Once its silken tripwires betray movement, it springs from its position, surprising and capturing its prey.
Penang Hill Vampire Crab (Geosesarma faustum)
This thumbnail-sized crab lives near freshwater streams and among the fronds of plants that hold rainwater. They are found only on Penang Hill and nowhere else in the world.

Penang Banded Gecko (Cyrtodactylus pulchellus)
This endemic gecko has a large head, elongated body and limbs. It is easily recognised by its distinctive banded markings.
Red Giant Flying Squirrel (Petaurista petaurista)
One of the largest flying squirrels in Southeast Asia, this nocturnal mammal is known to expertly glide distances of 100 meters between trees. During the day, it rests in its tree hole in the canopy.

Malaysian Blue Coral Snake (Calliophis bivirgatus)
This electric blue snake is mesmerising to look at but best beware; it is among the world’s most venomous. Fortunately, it is not usually aggressive and keeps away from humans.
Penang Stream Toad (Ansonia penangensis)
This adorable toad is only found on Penang Island. It is a species of rocky rainforest streams.

Irrawaddy Dolphin (Orcaella brevirostris)
The shy dolphin may be seen in the coastal waters of Penang. It is endangered throughout its natural range which spans the river deltas of Southeast Asia.
Olive Ridley turtle (Lepidochelys olivacea)
Named for its olive green heart-shaped carapace (top shell), the Olive Ridley is the smallest of the world’s seven marine turtle species. These turtles nest on the secluded quartz beaches of Penang National Park.