For her Master’s degree in Ecology at Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Siti Khadijah is conducting a 12-month study on the diversity, ecological characteristics and habitat selection of freshwater crabs that are endemic to Penang Hill. She is being supervised by a leading authority on crustaceans in Malaysia. The field research is being funded by The Habitat Foundation and Universiti Malaysia Terengganu.

On designated sampling days, she heads out after dark to establish 1m x 1m plots at the bromeliad garden in The Habitat, to study the Penang Hill Vampire Crab (Geosesarma faustum). She also conducts supplementary sampling using pitfall traps set at strategic locations to identify other crab species on Penang Hill.
Only discovered and scientifically described in 2016, little remains known about the Penang Hill Vampire Crab. This research will add new understanding, providing insights into their potential threats and conservation needs. Observation of another endemic species, Stoliczia stoliczkana, may also generate interesting findings since this species has not been studied either. There is also a high possibility of discovering other new species of freshwater crab.

Watch her interview here: